Seriously though, all cheesy wordplay aside, let's get down to the review of Blood Money. Just this morning I completed the last mission of the game, and as Rob promised, it was awesome to the fullest extent of the word. I'll try to keep this review as spoiler free as possible while still going indepth on some of the things that really makes this title shine. Once again it's time to take on the role of Mr. 47.

Graphics: Though for some reason my copy of Hitman:BM(TOTALLY NOT PIRATED I SWEAR) wouldn't allow me to enable antialiasing at a setting higher than 4x, even when forcing it from Nvidia panel, the graphics in this game are pleasant and easy on the eye, not to mention very well thought out. The levels are very diverse, and each one has it's respective graphical style; nothing is out of place, and everything feels like it belongs. The character models aren't exactly OMGWTFGFX, but the gun models really look great, in my opinion; there's a nice level of detail, but they still don't "stand out" from the rest of the game. All in all, the game looks very nice, and you'll probably be too busy embracing the awesomeness that is the gameplay to even notice that some textures aren't 21093812312309x21903821093812 in resolution.

Audio/Music: Well, besides "Ave Maria" and the credits song, there's not much here to rate. The voice-acting is good, and you get to hear Diana's voice some more, so stop complaining, damn. Oh, there's some ambient music that kind of kicks in when the shit hits the fan in a mission. It's okay, I guess, nothing too noteworthy. The gun sounds are pretty well done...yeah, let's move on to the next category.

Story: What are you, some kind of nerd? Go read a book. In all seriousness, Blood Money's story is so-so until the very end, which is where it becomes one of the greatest experiences I've had in gaming lately. A wheelchair-bound badass recounts tales of 47's jobs leading up to their eventual 'capture' of the agent, these tales being stories of the jobs you'll be doing throughout the game. From a vineyard in South America, to a suburban neighborhood in the USA, from Mardi Gras to Mississippi, Blood Money's story takes you to plenty of interesting locations, with each one being completely different from the next; No two jobs will feel the same. While some may say BM's story pales in comparison to earlier Hitman titles, I felt it was completely on par. Very solid.
Gameplay: This is the sweet spot; there are so many choices to make, so many different ways to accomplish one goal, so much variety that it ensures you won't play each mission only once. Do you want to plant a mine and wait for the target to stand under the chandelier? Or maybe you want to poison their drink and have it sent to them. Then you could rig the propane grill to explode, or just cover the top in lighter fluid. If that's not your style, though, you can always just shoot the bottom of the target's glass jacuzzi out from 50 feet below, then laugh as they plummet to their inevitable doom. Though you could also just replace their prop gun with a real loaded one, and make another man a murderer. And as always, if none of this gets the job done, nothing at all is stopping you from going in guns blazing with your trusty Silverballers.
Really, though, the point I'm trying to make with all these choices? Replayability! There are so many different ways to complete one mission that you really can't only try one, unless you're some kind of skank; and we don't like skanks reading this here blog. As you progress throughout the game, various upgrades become available for your main arsenal of weapons, including silencers, new firing mechanisms, scopes, grips, larger clips, and better bullets. The player can also buy the equivalent of HP Potions in the form of a bottle of pills, several bulletproof vests that increase in effectiveness, better lockpicking equipment, extra mines for more explodey funtime...
Overall: I won't hesitate to say Blood Money is the best Hitman game I've played, honestly. I'll have to play Contracts and get back to you on that for a final decision, but for now BM takes the cake easy. If you hesitated to buy this game at all, stop. It's well worth what you'll pay, and trust me, you won't regret it at all. Plus you get to kill clowns, and who hasn't wanted to kill a clown?

Hitman: Blood Money gets a total score of 5/5 Konatas.

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(note: that little square is a glitch with my capture software, not the game itself)

Graphics: Though for some reason my copy of Hitman:BM(TOTALLY NOT PIRATED I SWEAR) wouldn't allow me to enable antialiasing at a setting higher than 4x, even when forcing it from Nvidia panel, the graphics in this game are pleasant and easy on the eye, not to mention very well thought out. The levels are very diverse, and each one has it's respective graphical style; nothing is out of place, and everything feels like it belongs. The character models aren't exactly OMGWTFGFX, but the gun models really look great, in my opinion; there's a nice level of detail, but they still don't "stand out" from the rest of the game. All in all, the game looks very nice, and you'll probably be too busy embracing the awesomeness that is the gameplay to even notice that some textures aren't 21093812312309x21903821093812 in resolution.
Audio/Music: Well, besides "Ave Maria" and the credits song, there's not much here to rate. The voice-acting is good, and you get to hear Diana's voice some more, so stop complaining, damn. Oh, there's some ambient music that kind of kicks in when the shit hits the fan in a mission. It's okay, I guess, nothing too noteworthy. The gun sounds are pretty well done...yeah, let's move on to the next category.
Story: What are you, some kind of nerd? Go read a book. In all seriousness, Blood Money's story is so-so until the very end, which is where it becomes one of the greatest experiences I've had in gaming lately. A wheelchair-bound badass recounts tales of 47's jobs leading up to their eventual 'capture' of the agent, these tales being stories of the jobs you'll be doing throughout the game. From a vineyard in South America, to a suburban neighborhood in the USA, from Mardi Gras to Mississippi, Blood Money's story takes you to plenty of interesting locations, with each one being completely different from the next; No two jobs will feel the same. While some may say BM's story pales in comparison to earlier Hitman titles, I felt it was completely on par. Very solid.
Gameplay: This is the sweet spot; there are so many choices to make, so many different ways to accomplish one goal, so much variety that it ensures you won't play each mission only once. Do you want to plant a mine and wait for the target to stand under the chandelier? Or maybe you want to poison their drink and have it sent to them. Then you could rig the propane grill to explode, or just cover the top in lighter fluid. If that's not your style, though, you can always just shoot the bottom of the target's glass jacuzzi out from 50 feet below, then laugh as they plummet to their inevitable doom. Though you could also just replace their prop gun with a real loaded one, and make another man a murderer. And as always, if none of this gets the job done, nothing at all is stopping you from going in guns blazing with your trusty Silverballers.
Really, though, the point I'm trying to make with all these choices? Replayability! There are so many different ways to complete one mission that you really can't only try one, unless you're some kind of skank; and we don't like skanks reading this here blog. As you progress throughout the game, various upgrades become available for your main arsenal of weapons, including silencers, new firing mechanisms, scopes, grips, larger clips, and better bullets. The player can also buy the equivalent of HP Potions in the form of a bottle of pills, several bulletproof vests that increase in effectiveness, better lockpicking equipment, extra mines for more explodey funtime...
Overall: I won't hesitate to say Blood Money is the best Hitman game I've played, honestly. I'll have to play Contracts and get back to you on that for a final decision, but for now BM takes the cake easy. If you hesitated to buy this game at all, stop. It's well worth what you'll pay, and trust me, you won't regret it at all. Plus you get to kill clowns, and who hasn't wanted to kill a clown?
Hitman: Blood Money gets a total score of 5/5 Konatas.

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1 comment:
I think this game is the best game of all time, if anyone is looking to buy a new game get this because i bet ya you will love it.
r4i software
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