Day 1:
I seem to have washed ashore on an island memory is a little hazy, but I think I was on a plane last night, but then everything went black... I guess we went down. All I have in my posession is a camera which appears to be functional somehow, my watch, which thankfully
survived, a pen, and this empty diary.. I suppose I shouldn't waste all my time writing right now, though. I've got a lot of work to do... I could be Stranded here forever.

10:32 A.M. - Woke up on a small island. There appears to be a much larger expansive island right across the water from the one I've washed up on; maybe I can venture over there after I establish a camp. No imminent dangers in sight; some kiwibirds, crabs and turtles.. There appeears to be a hemp plant and some stones, along with some various kinds of trees. I've managed to create a makeshift hammer using a stone and a small, sturdy tree branch. I'll attempt to build myself some shelter.
6:48 P.M. - After gathering branches and a large collection of leaves, I've finally made myself a small shelter. It won't do for very long, but it's good enough to sleep under for now.
10:03 P.M. - Didn't manage to get a fire going; ate some raw crab and kiwi bird for tonight, and drank some water squeezed from a few leaves. Tomorrow is a new day.
Day 2:
8:30 A.M. - Alarm on watch went off, forced myself to get up and focus on the tasks for today even though I was terribly fatigued. Started a campfire; having turtle for breakfast. Afterwards, I venture out to the larger island to explore. I've crafted 10 arrows but still need something to make a string for a bow.
6:52 P.M. - Got back from the large island. MUCH Larger than anticipated, and plenty of hostiles. There were multiple areas inhabited by lions, but I finally found some wool. Tomorrow, I'll make a bow, and go try my hand at hunting some of the lions. Cooked some kiwibird and turtle meat as soon as I got back and ate, and drank my last bit of water. I'll have to create a second camp on the large island near a water source soon. Built a torch on the tip of my encampment now to help find my way back at night. Let's see what tomorrow brings...

I seem to have washed ashore on an island memory is a little hazy, but I think I was on a plane last night, but then everything went black... I guess we went down. All I have in my posession is a camera which appears to be functional somehow, my watch, which thankfully
survived, a pen, and this empty diary.. I suppose I shouldn't waste all my time writing right now, though. I've got a lot of work to do... I could be Stranded here forever.
10:32 A.M. - Woke up on a small island. There appears to be a much larger expansive island right across the water from the one I've washed up on; maybe I can venture over there after I establish a camp. No imminent dangers in sight; some kiwibirds, crabs and turtles.. There appeears to be a hemp plant and some stones, along with some various kinds of trees. I've managed to create a makeshift hammer using a stone and a small, sturdy tree branch. I'll attempt to build myself some shelter.
6:48 P.M. - After gathering branches and a large collection of leaves, I've finally made myself a small shelter. It won't do for very long, but it's good enough to sleep under for now.
10:03 P.M. - Didn't manage to get a fire going; ate some raw crab and kiwi bird for tonight, and drank some water squeezed from a few leaves. Tomorrow is a new day.
Day 2:
8:30 A.M. - Alarm on watch went off, forced myself to get up and focus on the tasks for today even though I was terribly fatigued. Started a campfire; having turtle for breakfast. Afterwards, I venture out to the larger island to explore. I've crafted 10 arrows but still need something to make a string for a bow.
6:52 P.M. - Got back from the large island. MUCH Larger than anticipated, and plenty of hostiles. There were multiple areas inhabited by lions, but I finally found some wool. Tomorrow, I'll make a bow, and go try my hand at hunting some of the lions. Cooked some kiwibird and turtle meat as soon as I got back and ate, and drank my last bit of water. I'll have to create a second camp on the large island near a water source soon. Built a torch on the tip of my encampment now to help find my way back at night. Let's see what tomorrow brings...
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